Rabu, 23 September 2015

Reader Space: A Glorious Gift Wrap Station

Reader Space: A Glorious Gift Wrap Station - welcome friends at our blog, is a good home that can make you and your family comfortably occupied, on the blog Decorating Home Office we will discuss a lot of home design attractive and comfortable for you, okay now we're discussing about Reader Space: A Glorious Gift Wrap Station, this information we collect from various sources so that you feel satisfied with the explanation:

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Reader Space: A Glorious Gift Wrap Station

I truly love when you all pop over your proudly organized spaces.  In fact, in terms of blogging, I don't think much makes me happier.  I really enjoy celebrating with you, sharing your ideas and utilizing your tips and tricks within the projects we also do in our own home.

Today's storage project is a perfect example of how you inspire me.  Although we already have a gift wrap station that we use frequently and are over-the-moon happy with, the combination of pieces selected for this project got my wheels turning.

Maria blogs over at Graceful Order and we are kindred organizing spirits.  I love that she enjoys sharing practical solutions, yet you can also tell she puts a piece of her heart into everything she works on.  Her recent gift wrap storage station is no exception; created from a combination of thought and attention to detail, it is sure to keep her in the giving spirit year after year.

But if you are like me and already have a gift wrap station, or maybe don't find the need for so much storage dedicated to a single activity, I urge you to read on and check out the organizational items she selected for this project anyway.  This smart little setup could be used in endless ways, and I hope it sparks and idea or two for you as well.

What is the main function of the space?

"When we moved into our home eleven years ago, my husband and I had so many plans for our home. We wanted to build a pool, remodel the kitchen, build out the closets and have wrap-around storage in our garage. My awesome husband, who happens to be super handy, decided to tackle the garage project first since he couldn't exactly build the pool (although I'm sure he toyed with the idea). I wanted storage for all of our entertaining items and a designated space for all of my gift wrapping supplies. I thought I needed a full cabinet but it tuned out that half the cabinet was plenty of space (the remainder of the items are party supplies)."

Any superstar tips for keeping it organized? 

"Keeping this space organized is pretty easy since everything has a home. Even when I am in a rush and I can't put everything back right away, it is a breeze to quickly get it back in order. A tip that I have is to not over-buy items. I am guilty of buying way too much gift wrapping paper because I love the patterns and then I end up using a gift bag when I am in a time crunch. Right now my gift wrapping drawer is completely full so when that cute paper at HomeGoods starts to whisper to me during checkout, I look in the other direction. By the way, why do they always put the gift wrap bins by the checkout area? They probably know that we have already lowered our defenses and are more susceptible to pretty floral prints! There's a master plan behind this, I tell ya!"

What items did you find were essential when organizing this space and why? 

"Adding drawers to the cabinets made a huge difference in how organized the space remains. This space has pretty much looked like this for 11 years and only the items change but the systems stay the same. The drawers make it so easy to put things back where they belong. I also think that adding the bins that hold birthday cards and an area to place extra gifts made a huge difference. I can walk away from this space with a wrapped gift and even a card in hand." 

What did you do to go the extra mile and "make it pretty"?

"It's not too difficult to make this space pretty because gift wrap and bows are already beautiful. I did separate the bows into color families using inexpensive plastic shoe boxes. This makes the drawers look neater but also helps me wrap items faster without making a mess, while looking for the right color bow."

How has it impacted your life for the better?

"I have to say that during the holidays or months that are full of birthdays, having this gift wrapping station is awesome! Putting gifts together can be hectic when you have little ones that are constantly invited to birthday parties. I used to have rolls of gift wrap in one closet and greeting cards in another and now I have everything in one spot and it's one thing less to stress about. Seriously, it's the little things that make a huge difference. Anything that brings more order and calm to my home has my vote. Mind you I am writing this while my youngest is crying hysterically over an animal cracker whose head fell off. Sigh. If anyone needs me I will be in my kitchen re-attaching the head of an edible hippo."

Maria's handy husband built her the cabinets of her dreams, and after a few trips to IKEA, she was able to customize them to create the exact storage she desired for her party and gift wrap supplies.  Looking at the combination of wire and solid drawers, I can think of so many ways that these additions would take any storage cabinet to the next level.  Pair the drawers with additional interior organizers and dividers and you have yourself a winning combination.  Truly, anytime you can create pull-out storage solutions, you are making your life a trillion times easier.

This setup would work beautifully for children's toys and clothing, crafts, home decor accessories, garage maintenance items, cleaning supplies, a pantry, linens and even home office products.

Here are my favorite IKEA pull out storage components, many of which come with the necessary hardware/rails for easy installation.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

As always, I am so grateful that Maria took the time to share her project and story with me and also allowed me to share it with all of you.  Let's keep the momentum going and continue to celebrate each and every organizing project we tackle and accomplish together!  You can see more of Maria's project and snag every last detail of the story on her blog here.

How would you make the most of this splendid cabinet setup? 

*  All images courtesy of Graceful Order

ATTENTION!!  Want to be featured in a Reader Space edition?  Have an awesome organizing story to share?  I am looking for projects that have made a positive impact to your life, big or small.  They can be anything from an organized drawer or cabinet to an entire room.  Please submit your story and photos to iheartreaderspace@gmail.com, and I would heart to feature them right here on the blog!!  Photos should be high resolution and taken in natural day-light if possible.  Please include a description of the project and how it has changed your life or routine for the better!  Oh, and no worries my friends, we will NEVER judge "before" pictures because that just wouldn't be nice!  Only love goes on at this blog!

we think it is quite so first information about Reader Space: A Glorious Gift Wrap Station you can bookmark or share this link https://smoothielicioussims.blogspot.com/2015/09/reader-space-glorious-gift-wrap-station.html if it is beneficial, if have any suggestions or QUESTIONS please fill in the comment box