Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

How to Get Rid Of Fleas from Your Home?

How to Get Rid Of Fleas from Your Home? - welcome friends at our blog, is a good home that can make you and your family comfortably occupied, on the blog Decorating Home Office we will discuss a lot of home design attractive and comfortable for you, okay now we're discussing about How to Get Rid Of Fleas from Your Home?, this information we collect from various sources so that you feel satisfied with the explanation:

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How to Get Rid Of Fleas from Your Home?

Fleas are a menace to every home owner and they cause irritation and discomfort to people and pets alike; and yet, it is almost impossible to find homes that have got rid of fleas completely. The most aggravating thing about these little pests is that are everywhere – right from your pet’s coat, to your carpet, and behind the sofa cushions – it seems impossible to find a place in the house that is not infested with these creatures.

However; before one attempts to kill them; one must be aware of the life cycle of fleas. The common mistake we make is to assume that fleas are predominant in animal furs. But; this is the time we notice them as they have reached the ‘biting stage’. The fleas that dwell on animal furs are majorly adult fleas that lay hundreds of eggs on the fur of the animal. These eggs then fall away as and when the pet moves and tends to accumulate in places where the pet spends most of its time like on the sofa cushions or on the carpet. When the flea eggs hatch, they become worm like larvae that remain hidden from the eye and feed on adult flea feces. After this, they transform to pupae they stay in this stage for 2-4 weeks. Finally they become adult fleas.
Understanding of the above process is important because one has to know what kind of treatment to provide to for each stage of the flea. For example, often people treat their pets and still find them infested within a few days. The reasons is that only the adult fleas on the pet were cleaned; while the rest that were in the house had gone unnoticed. The best way to treat a pet is obviously to approach a doctor and see what medication he suggests; but it is also equally important to understand how to kills fleas those lurk at home.

A sensible approach would be to get hold of a flea control kit that will help you to get rid of fleas from your home. Such kits usually consist of:

a) Sprays that can be used on all major areas of the house and furnishings like carpets, cushions, rugs etc. Most of these sprays consist of aerosol that affects the larvae and the pupae and prevents infestation for several months.
b) Insect Growth Regulators (IGR) that can be sprayed around the house and basically act as a birth control measure for fleas by preventing the existing fleas to reach the stage of maturity from where they can lay eggs.
c) Animal sprays that get rid of the fleas that abound in your pet. However, strict medical supervision is advised in such cases.

A strategic approach combining all of these together can help you combat the attack of fleas. One might think that all of these are chemical measures and it would be nice to implement something homemade or natural too. But the sad news is that fleas are resistant to most natural products and hence nothing can keep them at bay; so one needs to give their best shot to inherit a flea free home.

For more information on how to kill fleas and what flea related products may be of help, contact info@pestmall.com

About Author:-

I "Patricia Carter" am one of the ladies hating pests in houses. Actually I have a huge problem with them since childhood and that is the major reason of my profession in pest control because everyone wants their house pest-free but for me, 'it’s the first priority'. My knowledge is for everyone and I love sharing them to all. Apart from these, my favorite pass-time is cooking and reading about how to kill more of the pest safely. Today I am sharing you my knowledge about how to get rid of fleas.

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