Jumat, 20 Desember 2013

Sustainable Family-Friendly Los Altos Hills Residence

Sustainable Family-Friendly Los Altos Hills Residence - welcome friends at our blog, is a good home that can make you and your family comfortably occupied, on the blog Decorating Home Office we will discuss a lot of home design attractive and comfortable for you, okay now we're discussing about Sustainable Family-Friendly Los Altos Hills Residence, this information we collect from various sources so that you feel satisfied with the explanation:

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Sustainable Family-Friendly Los Altos Hills Residence

After seeing the Twenty Five Lusk Lounge in San Francisco, designed by CCS Architecture, this amazing Los Altos Hills Residence proves that the architects have an eye for fine details. The San Francisco-based studio CCS Architecture designed the 6,000 square foot residence for a family of five, creating all the spaces according to the client’s brief – a family-friendly space arrangement that easily connects to the outdoors, offering comfort and fresh air. Sustainable features like energy systems (“the 4-killowatt photovoltaic solar array on the roof generates about half of the home’s electricity“), natural materials and building methods reduce the carbon footprint and allow the family to enjoy their home while protecting the environment.

Located in Los Altos Hills, California, the modern house features two breezeways that separate the structure into three parts: “The result is a contemporary compound with well-defined outdoor spaces that are comfortable during hot summer days. An L-shaped main level plan houses the primary living areas and garage. The second floor bedroom wing, clad in cedar, is a long bar that is rotated in relation to the first floor. It creates sheltered zones below as well as a pair of roof decks for the four bedrooms. The second floor meets the ground at its north end, forming the pool house. Between the pool house and the family room, a breezeway frames a view of the property and Silicon Valley.” Using a natural palette, the architects erected the two stories of the house with careful consideration for the environment and maximized the connection to the surroundings.

we think it is quite so first information about Sustainable Family-Friendly Los Altos Hills Residence you can bookmark or share this link http://smoothielicioussims.blogspot.com/2013/12/sustainable-family-friendly-los-altos.html if it is beneficial, if have any suggestions or QUESTIONS please fill in the comment box