One of the most important decisions you must make when decorating the kitchen in your home is to choose the countertop. The material of this will be the reason of your biggest concerns, as well as the color within the material options will allow. Quartz?, Natural stone, formica, plastics, steel, wood ...?
As you can see there are numerous options to choose from. Quartz, for example, is a material with high hardness, difficult to scratch but easy to clean, with a high resistance to water and shock, but not so well take high temperatures, so that when cooked is recommended placing protective over her. As for the variety of colors in this material, is the largest you can find, so you will not have problems when choosing the one you like.
On the other hand, you can opt for natural stone countertops such as granite or marble. The first feature high hardness and are almost impossible to scratch, well resisting acids and shock. Unlike quartz, good heat resistance, but have the disadvantage that when a porous material penetrate the stains easily and are not easy to remove. Among the most popular colors are pink granite and gray pearl.
As for the marble, has characteristics very similar to granite, but is a bit more delicate. And fatty stains, not easily withstand, rapidly losing luster. However, heavy impacts and scratches the holds up well. It is very elegant, but difficult to maintain, even in color, you'll also find a wide range.
Formica countertops or synthetic materials are the cheapest you'll find on the market. Resist shock, heat and scratches. Imitate different finishes such as wood, stone or aluminum, but have the disadvantage that they are very sensitive to water.
On the other hand, stainless steel countertops are perfect for those who love cooking and industrial design. Noted for their health and good resistance to heat and acids. However, its appearance is very cold. What we say about wood countertops? They have a natural beauty and a variety of colors.
Are very porous, so that the stains, as well as granite, easily penetrate. Also they scratch quickly and maintenance is delicate, but instead offer a great beauty to the environment. However, if you do not convince you, you can choose Corian countertops, a new material, malleable, tough, does not scratch, waterproof and also has over a hundred colors.