Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

Laundry Room Coming Along . . .

Laundry Room Coming Along . . . - welcome friends at our blog, is a good home that can make you and your family comfortably occupied, on the blog Decorating Home Office we will discuss a lot of home design attractive and comfortable for you, okay now we're discussing about Laundry Room Coming Along . . ., this information we collect from various sources so that you feel satisfied with the explanation:

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    Laundry Room Coming Along . . .

    supply air line run (heat vent)
    old shower wall torn out
    back foundation wall framed
    1x2s added to the plumbing wall 2x4s
    receptacles (plugs) wired
    floor swept mopped with bleach (we found old mouse poop again--yuck!)
    washer and dryer tops disinfected

    laundry room in progress, view from hall

    laundry room progress, view from foundation wall

    To Do:
    pull some receptacles to proper depth
    get box for phone wire that I insisted on keeping
    put up plastic around door and all over carpet to protect from sheetrock mess
    wait for Dave to come to sheetrock
    prime and paint (stripes!)
    install flooring (linoleum probably)
    install and paint baseboards
    wire plugs
    remove 1950s metal/cast iron sink from basement kitchen and install in here
    paint bookcase
    paint desk pieces, assemble, install
    install wall lamps
    install shelves and hooks for laundry area

    The finished product will look something like this, only waaaay better.


    we think it is quite so first information about Laundry Room Coming Along . . . you can bookmark or share this link if it is beneficial, if have any suggestions or QUESTIONS please fill in the comment box