Our new Patio: Little Liess's Bar & Grill - welcome friends at our blog, is a good home that can make you and your family comfortably occupied, on the blog Decorating Home Office we will discuss a lot of home design attractive and comfortable for you, okay now we're discussing about Our new Patio: Little Liess's Bar & Grill, this information we collect from various sources so that you feel satisfied with the explanation:

Our grill isn't built-in... It's just the same old grill that we made a custom opening for:

We loooooove being out here now that it's completed & entertaining is so simple.
Here's a pic of the non-custom cushions I found online that drive me CRAZY because in order to fit them I had to turn them sideways showing the seems, but that I am totally good with making do with for now because they are such an improvement to the original cushions...
The table is from West Elm & I can't say enough good things about it... (It's pretty, hoses off nicely, is super-strudy and holds up to the birds!! --- if you know what I mean ;) ;) ..see spot in very front of table.. (I clearly didn't do any cleaning up for these pics- woops!)
The stools & chairs are from Pottery Barn & I'm really happy with them too. The silver chairs are ooold. We made a little cubbie for our firewood on the right which I love because it just adds a little interest & warmth..
Eventually we'll paint the bar the same color as the house but for now, while we try to have a chill summer, it's staying as-is. We also plan on continuing our dwarf holly bushes around this area of the patio too so it looks like it's always been here.
One last before:
And one last after:
We love eating at "Little Liess's Bar & Grill" as the boys have dubbed it!!! ;) ;) Thanks for checking it out!!
And one pic of the littlest Liess, 3 week old Luke:

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
we think it is quite so first information about Our new Patio: Little Liess's Bar & Grill you can bookmark or share this link http://smoothielicioussims.blogspot.com/2012/06/our-new-patio-little-liess-bar-grill.html if it is beneficial, if have any suggestions or QUESTIONS please fill in the comment box
Our new Patio: Little Liess's Bar & Grill
We spend so much of our time outside & love having familly meals & parties out there so this year we decided to do a little work on our patio. Here is is "before" (I can't believe I'm showing you this pic!!).... I think this is from two years ago or maybe three?? (is it sad that the years are starting to blend together??) with the AC unit, some messy gravel& the sawhorse table my husband made (which I loved but just didn't work out because it was so heavy!!! and the wood started rotting eventually.. great for a summer though) I guess it was a couple of years back because it was before we painted the back of our house & shed. Anyway, here it was "before"--
{We got the patio set at Lucketts for a steal but it came with ill-fitting cushions... I immediately replaced them with NEW slightly-less-ill-fitting cushions that will hold us over for a couple of years until we feel like springing for new custom ones.)
We planned to continue the concrete all the way along the back of the house & resurface the old concrete to match the new. I sketched out these plans of the back bar area with slate counters for the contractor:
Our grill isn't built-in... It's just the same old grill that we made a custom opening for:
And here it is now:
We loooooove being out here now that it's completed & entertaining is so simple.
Here's a pic of the non-custom cushions I found online that drive me CRAZY because in order to fit them I had to turn them sideways showing the seems, but that I am totally good with making do with for now because they are such an improvement to the original cushions...
The table is from West Elm & I can't say enough good things about it... (It's pretty, hoses off nicely, is super-strudy and holds up to the birds!! --- if you know what I mean ;) ;) ..see spot in very front of table.. (I clearly didn't do any cleaning up for these pics- woops!)
The stools & chairs are from Pottery Barn & I'm really happy with them too. The silver chairs are ooold. We made a little cubbie for our firewood on the right which I love because it just adds a little interest & warmth..
I can't wait to have some mojitoes with my girls out here:
Eventually we'll paint the bar the same color as the house but for now, while we try to have a chill summer, it's staying as-is. We also plan on continuing our dwarf holly bushes around this area of the patio too so it looks like it's always been here.
One last before:
And one last after:
We love eating at "Little Liess's Bar & Grill" as the boys have dubbed it!!! ;) ;) Thanks for checking it out!!
And one pic of the littlest Liess, 3 week old Luke:
{Like me & the rest of my children, red-eye remover was required.}

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
we think it is quite so first information about Our new Patio: Little Liess's Bar & Grill you can bookmark or share this link http://smoothielicioussims.blogspot.com/2012/06/our-new-patio-little-liess-bar-grill.html if it is beneficial, if have any suggestions or QUESTIONS please fill in the comment box