Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

Extraordinary Spa Bathtub with Recirculation Water System, Arima by Glass Idromassaggio

Extraordinary Spa Bathtub with Recirculation Water System, Arima by Glass Idromassaggio - welcome friends at our blog, is a good home that can make you and your family comfortably occupied, on the blog Decorating Home Office we will discuss a lot of home design attractive and comfortable for you, okay now we're discussing about Extraordinary Spa Bathtub with Recirculation Water System, Arima by Glass Idromassaggio, this information we collect from various sources so that you feel satisfied with the explanation:

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Extraordinary Spa Bathtub with Recirculation Water System, Arima by Glass Idromassaggio

Relaxing bath is one way to pampering yourself and relieve stress with a day-to-day activities are very busy. Introducing extraordinary overflowing bathtub Arima designed by Glass Idromassaggio with whirlpools and air jet pool. This spa bathub is designed to provide free-standing bath relaxing as you want at home. It’s modern and luxury design that has a back and foot jets, heaters, waterfalls and chromotherapy. It is designed with a spa tub overflow so that water continuously circulates fun like in a spa. Submerge your body in this bathtub and enjoy the comfort of relaxation to stretch your back muscles. You can add a bit of aromatherapy to make more enjoyable atmosphere in the bathtub.

spa bathtub with recirculation water system Arima

This bathtub is made of Ductal concrete and is designed with a very smooth texture to produce high quality products. Arima is equipped with filtration and recirculation system that provides absolute security for the cleanliness of bathing water. Pamper your skin with proper temperature and provide lasting pleasure when you take a bath. Luxury bathtub that is perfect for modern interiors complement your bathroom. Enjoy the convenience of a shower that you want with Arima in your bathroom. [Glass Idromassaggio]

extraordinary overflowing bathtub Glass Idromassaggio


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