Elegant and Minimalist Apartment Decorated with Recycled Furniture
Elegant and Minimalist Apartment Decorated with Recycled Furniture. Here are some images of a lovely apartment sent by Jaypee Pingol, one of our readers from the Philippines. We really like the overall feeling of space that this crib inspires, due to the white walls and well chosen furniture. According to our reader, the apartment has 130 sq meters and features rubber painted floors and furniture elements that are re-purposed. Jaypee says that everything has been converted to look modern, from the bed to the cabinets, kitchen nook, tables and chairs. As we were looking through the photos, we couldn’t help but notice how original some of the decorating elements are. The stripes wallpaper forms a striking contrast with the yellow chair, a lovely splash of color in a black and white environment. And who would of thought of reconditioning a bicycle and use it as an indoor ornament? Thank you, Jaypee for all these inspiring ideas!
(Elegant and Minimalist Apartment Decorated with Recycled Furniture)
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